Genesis 1:1- In the beginning God
I believe God existed and planned His creation, and was doing
just fine without us. God does not need
us. We need Him. God created the most marvelous universe and
set it in motion. God created angels
first, and recorded their story---the part we need to know, later in the
Bible. But, first, there was God. God the Father, the planner, and God the Son,
the Creator, and God the Holy Spirit. Three
Persons, One God sharing attributes and character in perfect harmony and
happiness and we call it The Trinity.
God invented time. God is
eternal, outside, before, and beyond time.
God speaks the universe into existence.
Maybe it was the big bang. And in
a tantalizingly, fun way, God recorded all the clues we needed in
words---again, God’s creation, how it happened.
Billions of years ago. God
created the heavens and the earth.
I believe there is a huge gap between verses one and
two. Look at 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were
completed, and all their hosts.
Chapter 2 goes into more detail, telescoping down on a
restoration of the earth in seven days.
Why did the earth need restored?
Go back to Genesis 1: 1 and 2:
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the
surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the
(frozen) waters.
Did God create the earth formless and void and locked in
ice? I don’t think so. The earth is a little blue marble set in the
universe just so…in perfect position, unique among the planets. The rocks tell us of upheavels, layers,
shifts, and continents and oceans moved about.
Even in the genealogies here in Genesis, (Gen 10:25) mentions a time
when the earth was divided. Earthquakes?
Continent shifts? Peleg lives after the tower of Babel. (Gen. 11:18)
The sun and moon are not positioned until Day 4, yet the
Holy Spirit moves, warms, unlocks the earth and prepares it for man. Restoration in 6 days just makes more
sense. Human history, going back to Adam
is only 6,000 years. (5773 to be exact)
but the earth and universe proclaim themselves to be much older, or to be made
to look old. Take your pick. It makes sense to me, that God created the
heavens and earth, angels---and that those angels had their history. They saw an earth of dinosaurs, a swampy earth
created and packed down for billions of years to make that rich oil and gas
that we now mine beneath the surface.
Angels saw a rebellion. Satan
convinced a third of them to follow him.
God judged Satan, cast him out of heaven. Maybe cast him out and onto the earth. There was a trial, and Satan appealed with “how
can a loving God cast His own creatures into Hell?” So, God locked the earth in ice. Restored it in six days, and we are the
answer to that appeal. We demonstrate
how a loving God can create, save, and then make it possible for the puny
humans without wings to rule over angels someday. God sets in motion from the dust of the
ground, puny creatures---fragile in angel’s eyes, yet those first men lived a
thousand years on the restored earth.
Not until after the flood, not until Noah did the age of man start to
decrease to the eighty or so years people live today. Before the flood, diet was different. Vegetarian.
Climate and maybe ultraviolet did not age them so quickly. God created His best in man. Adam lived over a thousand years. The first ten generations to Noah, did not
father children until they were hundreds of years old. And we have recorded in the Bible, every
possible type of government, farm, travel, as history is played out. Wickedness started early, but God had a
plan. And even though satan would seek
to defeat each generation, kill the promised one, thwart and deceive mankind,
God’s theme, God’s promise---from Adam and Even in the Garden, to Noah, to
Abraham to Moses---God kept His promises.
God was at work to seek and save those who desired to know their
Creator. Whenever a spark of wonder was
found, God revealed Himself to that person no matter what no matter
where---rich or poor, on an island or in a city…God has been faithfully
working, protecting, revealing His perfect plan in the war that is the angelic
conflict. Maybe we, the believers…from
Adam and Eve to now, maybe we replace those third satan pulled to his
side. And in the future, satan and his
third will be thrown in the lake of fire for final judgment. The Bible says it is a day coming.
So, in the beginning, God.
God created the heavens and the earth.
(the angels were created, lived their history, and satan and one-third
rebelled. God sentenced them to the Lake of fire.) The earth was formless and void. Locked in
ice for a time. The dinosaurs died. Oil and gas reserved were formed for our
future use. Between creation, the swampy
time of the dinosaurs, it could have been millions of years. How long does it take for swamps to make
oil? How long does it take for gas
pockets to form beneath the rocks? Did
satan and the fallen angels play and party here for a time? Not much evidence of theirs is left if they
did. We don’t know. They battle even today between heaven and
earth. Unseen to us, unless silly folks
play with the Halloween variety. And
demon possession was problem back in Jesus’ days on the earth. Jesus threw out demons. Jesus freed people enslaved by demons who had
taken over their bodies. The demons gave
them strength, but they also did stupid stuff like cut themselves---even as the
demon possessed do in our time. Every
time you turn on the tv or look at movies in the theaters, there is no escaping
the nightmares that are demon possession.
Everything evil and mean and base and scary and terrible is from the
dark side of satan and his demons.
God created the heavens and the earth, and restored our
planet to sustain human life. With just
the right mix of oxygen, with marvelously exsquisit cells, blood, eyes, OH, we
are so SO blessed with marvelous bodies.
A little lower than the angels indeed!
We do not have wings to fly. Yes,
we are fragile, we break, we get sick.
But, God created out of the elements here---out of the dust of the
ground, Adam, and breathed into him life.
Physical life, spiritual, mental, emotional---it is so amazing how that
first perfect man was made.
Genesis 1: 26-31 “God said: Let us (three members of the
trinity. Plural) Let us make man in Our Image, according to Our likeness, and
let them---mankind, rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the
sky, and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing
that creeps on the earth. God created
man in His own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female He
created them. God blessed them; and God
said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it and
rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every
living thing that moves on the earth. …then God said: Behold, I have given you
every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of the earth and every tree
which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you….”
We are there, ladies! Female. God thought of us, planned us,
created us when He created that first man.
Yes, Adam was first. Because God
desired to show Adam his need for us.
Man is not to take the woman for granted. God created and instituted something so
special---free will, and the ability to choose, and learn, and hear, observe
and see—God created that first man with a full vocabulary, brain, mind, spirit,
the ability to see and hear and talk with God!
God created man. Gave him breath
and lungs to breath the air here.
Food. A beautiful planet, but we
telescope down now to a special Garden.
A special stage where God will reveal to the man the animals---creeping
things and birds, but how they are different.
They do not have a soul. They are
given instincts to reproduce, eat, etc., but they are different from man. This parade of zoo animals is brought to Adam
to name. We don’t know if they took
days, weeks, months, even years. God
lets Adam figure it out: Genesis 2:19-20 “…..but for Adam there was not found a helper
suitable for him.”
Go back to Genesis 2:18
(after the commandment to cultivate and keep the Garden, vs 15, and after the commandment in verse 16 and 17
to eat freely EXCEPT from the one tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil, and the warning---“the day that you eat from it you will surely die.” After these verses, verse 18 says: Then the Lord God said, “it is not good for
the man to be alone, I will make him a helper suitable for him.”
God says He is going to make someone very special for
Adam. A helper suitable. But, first , God forms out of the ground,
animals and parades them before Adam for him to observe and name. God says He is going to make something
special for Adam, but first does something else. Don’t you just love God’s sense of
humor? That same theme---creating the
heaven and the earth, and letting angelic history take its course, all the
while, He had us in mind! All the while,
He knew ahead of time that satan would be created the most beautiful, but fall.
And take a third with Him. This is not a
surprise to God. God was not caught off
guard. The same theme…God sees, and
proclaims, not good for man to be alone.
Adam, man, like our husband---created with a need for us to complete and
help and complement. And when God puts
Adam to sleep---Genesis 2:21 and took one of Adam’s ribs and fashioned into a
woman the rib…from Adam’s side. Forever
Adam is missing a part…and in the marvelously complex parts we don’t even know
yet---how a woman, that first woman, was formed from a rib sharing the same
blood type? Yet made so beautiful, so exquisite, the Adam proclaims loudly:
(when he first sees her) Genesis
2:23 “Bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, she shall
be called Woman because she was taken out of Man.
Verse 24 continues with the curious: For this reason a man shall leave his father
and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.
Before there were fathers and mothers, before families---God
is declaring the sacred, God’s invention, of free will, the individual, then
the couple---of ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN leaving and joining together to make
something so powerful, so sacred, Marriage.
Leave and cleave. Oh, this is
rich, as I am an old grannie now, and see how important it is to leave and
cleave. Choose wisely. Two of
my sons have picked their mates, gotten married, started their own families…an
this verse warns the mother-in-law in me to back off. Respect them.
My sons will always be my babies…but they are one with their wives
now. One man and one woman. Marriage is under attack today. Because the enemy seeks to undo God’s perfect
design. Marriage came BEFORE the
fall. Before sin. God instituted marriage, families, nations…to
keep civilization going despite the unseen forces that would seek to destroy us
because the enemy has heard God make promises…promises that God cannot fulfill
if there are no humans to come back to.
Satan went after the promised one throughout the Old Testament. What makes you think he has changed? Satan and his enemy forces seek to destroy
mankind from within or without. We are
at war. We are in a war whether we like
it or not. We have entered the stage
that is history in the final acts of this play.
Best to find out what went on in Acts one and two…so God graciously
preserved them in the Bible for us to read and know. If each dispensation is an act in the play of
history, I believe we are in the Church Age.
Jesus comes back and after the tribulation period of seven years
establishes His Kingdom in a millinial reign of one thousand years. After that, the Bible says one more
rebellion, then new heavens and new earth.
We will live with God forever and ever.
This time, these acts in the play of history are but a drop in the
bucket of eternity.
So, as women, we need to understand our place in
history. Our place in God’s design. Our role as helper suitable, and mother to
sons who grow up to be husbands and fathers themselves someday.
One flesh. Helper
suitable. What do they mean? Created, invented before the fall---and we
must understand the fall and how it changed everything. Yet, God preserved His design, of marriage
and family and then nation respecting other nations, so that civilization could
continue. When nations or people groups
set aside God’s design and ignore God’s plan, the consequences are sin, death,
evil, slavery, and there is no excuse.
God established laws and had Moses write them down, and gave them to a
stubborn and stiff necked people, and showed us down through the ages what
happens when His laws are obeyed, and when His laws are ignored. We have no excuse. As women, we are responsible to know the
Bible. Know what happened. Know the Laws that protected nations. And know that each of us as individuals are
responsible for teaching our children.
Each generation stands on its own, and each individual will give an account
to God for what we were given. God gives
us a family to be born into, and God keeps us alive to hear the Gospel, and
make a decision. If we reject Him, it is
often a hard life. Full of sorrow and
sin and fear and violence. If we trust
Him, sin is still a daily problem that we need Him to help us battle within
ourselves, and within our children, and within our cities and nation. But, He has promised to be with us, to help
us, to guide and He gives us a purpose a mission…
Remember---you were created in God’s image! You are not an accident nor are you descended
from monkeys. Evolution and abortion are
attacks on the individual and marriage institutions. See them as they are. Understand the fall. God loves you and wants the best for you.