Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday Thirty Years Ago

It was on a Saturday, but April Fools Day. But, we have been celebrating Saturday-versaries ever since, and what a wonderful adventure it has been.

There were a few questions you forgot to ask me. You forgot to ask me about my math skills, and do I believe in chiropractic? Oh, and can I sing and stay on key??

But, other than that, we learned together.

It is kinda neat how today we received a wedding invitation from your nephew. How fitting. He was at our wedding, only still baking. And from the questions and comments he is making, he'll do fine.

Thirty years married and our house is too quiet this weekend. Second son at rotc drill. So, I set the dishwasher humming and the dryer has a lovely squeak from the garage. Thank you, dear, for thirty years. Thank you for being my best friend, and best lover, and best Scrabble player...


Bob said...

You are so easy to please -- happy with your squeaky drier and your old hairless husband. It's been a wonderful Saturday-versary (our 1565th). I'm sure we'll find something to do on Tuesday. (How many years has it been now?)

joyce said...

Hairless?? I don't think so. You have a sexy, hairy chest and curly hairs everywheres. Short hair on top is good---I remember rubbing your head when we were first married and your hair got in my eyes and tickled my nose. Now, thirty years on, our hairs turn to snow. And your haircut is one I can do! Look at the money we save by me playing with your hair. These new clippers and a spring day and a south breeze...more fun than even Rush Limbaugh is having.

Bob said...

You know a neat idea would be to create a blog post that uses all the words on the Scrabble board. But it probably wouldn't make much sense. Like, today's board would yield: "A WOLFISH MUTE FOOL VOTED for FINE QUARTZ. The SILENTER SNEAK LAPS a DOSE of BEER. The DJIN and HOGG BATHE AN AX with SCARRY PIGGERY. With the ID, the EN and the XI, WE PRANCED along the MAIN YARD -- HM.

joyce said...

And which words did thou bingoeth on??

Bob said...

WOLFISH and SILENTER. but my best score was marrying you. (I need to go to bed now. Sorry I stayed up so late.)