Friday, July 31, 2009

Loonies and Toonies

Bob and Andy said that in Canada, dollar bills are rare, and instead they have dollar coins---loonies and toonies. The one with the loon is the one dollar one, and the other one is a two dollar coin. I hope Bob brings me back one of each so I can see them. Canadians must have extra strong pockets for all the coins. Yikes. My wallet is heavy enough with just quarters and nickles and dimes!

And Andy has a Garman Newbie? or Nevie? navagational device. A GPS unit. Bob said it really helps getting through the towns. They have not named it yet because it is calm, yet mostly helpful. Surely, the voice reminds them of an actress or aunt or someone they know?

And I think I have the skype thingy fixed---if not, the directions suggest going to Tools---options---general---video===settings and making sure the webcam settings button is on. But, I need to call them to test. I can't access tools unless during a call?

And mystery solved? maybe. On one of their first days out, they asked why the flags in Indiana were at half staff. Korean Armistice Day was July 27, 2009. Thank you, Airman Mom, blogger.

I will now redirect you to Bob's much funnier blog:


Bag Blog said...

When we were in Calgary a two years ago (look back on my blog for photos) there was a "Loonie Toonie" store - the equivalent to our dollar stores.

joyce said...

But, it sounds like a cartoon, eh? Loony Toons.

Unknown said...

I try to help :)