Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Our Youngest, our "baby" is 22 today!

Ben was born 22 years ago today. It was foggy that morning, but warmer than this morning. Bob and I walked to the hospital. Good exercise, and I knew with a "planned" c-section, I'd be down for a while. My folks were staying with our kindergartener, Andy, and watching the fourteen month old, James.

Ben likes orange. He liked red, but when the teacher marked his papers in red as if bad...he switched to orange.

Ben installs solar panels on roofs. And photovotaic panels. And windmills, and solar attic fans. The solar panels are mostly used to heat water---for showers, pools, etc. He is a hard worker.

When we asked what he'd like to do for his birthday, he mentioned Reunion Tower---newly remodeled, I think Ben wants to check out the construciton more than the food. I made reservations. It has a dress code. "Business Casual" no tee shirts. no flip flops nor tennis shoes.

Twenty-two. His due date was in November, but I got to choose a number easy to remember. By then I was having to write the boys birthdays on every form imaginable, so 10-27-87 sounded fun. I think he was jealous of Halloween babies, but I just could not do that date. I don't like Halloween.

This Halloween falls on a Saturday night, so we give out Halloween pencils and change the clocks. yippeee. great.

The second to flee the nest, but the one who lives close by. We see him once or twice a week these days.

I took Bob to the train this morning so we would not have to pick up his car later. We plan on meeting Bob at Reunion Tower at 7pm. Fun. Fun.

Happy Birthday, Ben-Ben.


Anonymous said...

How exciting! I hope you guys have a great night and Ben has an awesome Birthday! James got to talk to Ben this morning on his 7 min. drive to work. James wishes he had a 7 min. drive :)

Take pictures!

Bag Blog said...

Happy Birthday to Ben!

Saturday night, we ate at Chilies in Lawton. I always look closely at the military couples to see if I might see James and Amber (did I get the right names?). Of course, we did not see them.

j said...

Aw! Happy Birthday to Ben.