Thursday, March 25, 2010


March 25th. wow.

There is snow on the ground in Dalhart, Texas. Clouds that do not move in the water vapor loop weathermap online.

Our oak trees are wearing earrings. Long strands of pollen.

Our disgusting cat is licking old throwup off the outside window sill. Said cat has a bowl of food and a bowl of fresh water, but she would prefer to be pitiful. Our birds can't get to the bird feeder because of where said cat is perched.

One cat. Cat for sale. Its going cheap.


Anonymous said...

That "said cat" is quite the animal! Pretty gross that she is licking up vomit. Dosen't the Bible say " a dog returns to it's vomit..." I think "said cat" didn't get the memo. It's dogs that are supposed to do that, not cats.

joyce said...

Sallycat got even with me leaving her outside yesterday---her little dirty footprints are all inside the tub. silly kitty. She does not like the fresh water in the bowl. she prefers fresh splashed in the tub