Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Showing Poppy a doll

I was blessed with two sets of grandparents. Poppy and Nannie on my Dad's side. Here I am showing Poppy a doll we got for Christmas.

And earlier, sitting on my Poppy's lap eating a sucker. My Dad and my Poppy both worked/owned a Culligan dealership in Springfield, Illinois at the time. I don't remember this doll, nor the little quilted jacket. But, I do have lots of proof from pictures that my mom loved to cut our bangs super short. Maybe we did not hold still very well, and I can still hear her say, she did not want hair in our pretty faces. Those scuffed shoes tell a tale. I was not the most ladylike of little girls. As the firstborn, I knew I was loved on both sides of the family. And Poppy and Grandpa also tried to teach me to be nice to my sister. That did not come naturally.


James M Williamson said...

I see you discovered how to use the scanner.

joyce said...

Yes, I sure did. Dad walked me through from his chair, and sometimes had to come rescue me. Pictures on a blog make it so fancy, don't you think? Thanks for commenting. Love you !