Saturday, March 30, 2013


What if a grandfather wanted to tell his grandchildren, great-grandchildren even great-greats that he loved them, and thought of them, and prayed for them..?  Yes, that grandfather would tell his children and grands, by living to be almost 100 and telling them every day in word, and deed.  He would write letters to those far away, and postcards they could keep.  He would record things in diaries, and write funny things about trips they might enjoy reading and sharing.  And he would try to set up his will such that the great-greats knew someday that they came from a farm.  A farm he desired to keep together and keep in the family to provide a place to raise food though the world go to hell. 

Once upon a time, our God rescued and set apart a people He loved.  To help them remember where they came from He directed them to celebrate once a year with a special feast.  In that family feast, were all the elements to teach the children what happened and repeat the promises that no matter how hard things get, God is coming back to rescue them and rule and set everything right. 

Just a small people, on a small plot of land. Set apart, and rescued down through the ages, though dictators have tried to exterminate them, God preserves a remnant, and gives them the task of keeping His Commandments written in the Torah.  They have changed some celebrations, even Jesus came and pointed out where they had strayed from the letter of the Law.  All the elements pointed to Him.  Jesus Christ is our Passover. 

The rest of the world hates the Jews because they are a tiny flame, a light to the world that God keeps His promises.  There will come a time in the future when the enemy tries to wipe them out and when unsuccessful again, turn and try to kill all who follow Jesus.  In Revelation, it says the enemy will be drunk on the blood of the saints.  Align yourself with the Jews, and Jesus, and persevere until the end. Some may be called upon to defend themselves, some will be taken captive. Again. Do no despair. God is in control.  God wins in the end.

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