Saturday, March 8, 2008

Shout it from the Rooftops

Shout it from the rooftops. If you need bifocals, like I do, and have trouble reading small font, just press the control key (Ctrl) and the plus sign (+) key and keep pressing until it is the size you want. Wow. Thank you, thank you to the military blogger who had the tip in his sidebar !!! Now I can read anything !!!!!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!


ShalomSeeker said...

I just discovered this myself! Love it, and I don't even need bifocals! :-)

ShalomSeeker said...

Unless...maybe I do?!?

joyce said...

I confess, I made fun of my mom when she'd hold things at arms length. And with the computer--bigger font works great. I can hug a book close now without glasses.

I'm Sarah. said...

WOW! Thank you! I can't wait to do this when my unsympathetic young co-workers try to make me read some tiny on-screen type.