Sunday, February 28, 2010


Last night our granddaughter wanted to talk to us on the phone. I answered, and I heard her exclaim that she wanted to talk for herself! wow. Such fierce independence for a three year old. Too cute to this old granny and grandDad. I was glad to hear that the packages arrived okay, and were things that fit.

At one point, our son said, "now Abigail..."

You know you are in trouble when dad uses your full proper name.

And then they said she fell asleep. Our son and daughter-in-law explained that the little miss had played through her nap instead of actually napping. Oh, dear. Now we understand the "independence". Here we were headed to bed, and they were just going to supper. And had had to shovel more snow, whereas Bob had had to mow our green, green rye grass. Bob has had to mow twice in February. I look up from the computer and out the window to a restful green carpet of thick, green grass. So pretty. And good for the eyes.

I just want to remember: "now, Abigail..." in that voice from her dad. And how at three, she wants to talk for herself. wow. Little tidbits in the life of our too far away granddaughter that a granny wants to treasure. (and share with her other granny!)

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