Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cardinal Couple in the Backyard

Even though the sparrows are emptying the birdfeeder in just two days, I need to get more because we have attracted a male and female couple of cardinals. Not only do they like our birdseed offerings, but something in the yard is good hunting by the nandina bushes. And ours is a dangerous yard for digging in the grass especially if you are a bright red bird because the neighbor's cats love to patrol the yard, too.

What was God thinking when He thusly adorned the cardinal? Where exactly can a cardinal hide? Maybe there is that one day in the fall when the leaves are turning when he can "blend" with the russet colored leaves. The sparrow's dowdy brown coat helps him year-round. The titmouse in gray and black does not have the bright orange beak of the cardinal. The chickadee in black and white flits in and out quickly for his seed. But, even the duller colored female cardinal has a bright orange beak. I wonder where their nest is. And I hope the weed killer Bob spread on the yard does not harm them.


Unknown said...

nature is so incredible. Truly, God has somehow armed the Cardinal with something that it has been able to sustain for so very long. I'm constantly amazed.
From what I understand, the amount of weed killer it takes for a bird to die from ingestion...is a rather large amount!


Bob said...

The birds won't eat the fertilizer. You're right, the feeder is empty after just two days.

Bag Blog said...

The meadow larks have been hanging around Toby's portable chicken coop. They are quite pretty with their yellow vests.