Monday, December 15, 2008

Super Cold...for us

Ice pellets. That is what they are calling it.

Ben dropped in at noon, so I took him to see the chiropractor, and we shopped for a heavy coat---poor guy has a most practical mom for Christmas. He has lived on his own for almost two years now. He has an apartment about five miles west of us, and has a roommate, and two rescued kitties. But, this is a lean time in the solar panel business. And I'd rather buy stuff he needs or picks out so that he will wear it.

Bob had a much too exciting morning--but I will let him blog about that. I don't want to steal his thunder. But, when he prays about it over supper---it makes me giggle, and when I get started giggling, and trying to suppress the giggling, well, it turns into hysterical giggling. Very disrespectful during prayer. I hope God understands.

I did beat Bob at Scrabble. again. 282 to 279. It was close.

I just turned on the electric blanket, so our bed will be toasty.

I am thankful I do not live in Montana. They have the low temps for the whole nation. Minus 27

Isn't that colder than in Alaska?


Bob said...

First chance I get, I'll post something about my exciting morning, but the funny part is your laughing at my praying about it. (That's okay. I'm sure the Lord gets a chuckle, too -- over most of our prayers.)

JAMIE'S CREW said...

It is indeed FREEZING for N. Texas!! I am thankful we don;t live in any state that must suffer below zero temperatures.

If you get a chance, pop by my place. I just put up a new post.

joyce said...

Dearest Bob, what word did you use? bump? I thought it so funny that you told God it was a bump.

I am so thankful no one was hurt, and that the street was dry, but what a super cold morning to be bumping cars at 60 mph. This morning would have been so much worse with ice on the roads.