Monday, October 13, 2008

362-242 I won !!!

Bob recited the day ritual for James:

He gets on a train, and goes to work, and at 4:50pm, he calls me and says he is headed home. He walks in the door at 6:10pm and I have a hot meal ready and waiting. Then we play Scrabble. And James calls. And I knitted a dishrag while we played Scrabble.

Since I gave a box-of-dishrags to a friend at church Sunday morning, I knitted one for my sink, and five more to give away to someone.

I don't want to forget Bob smooching me on the back of my neck while I was making coffee this morning. I have been thinking about that all day.

Thirty-one years ago we met, and started writing letters to each other, and a Scrabble board was one of our first purchases as a married couple. We did not play much when the boys were little. But, now we try to play each day. And every once in a while, I win ! Bob lets me have as many letters as I want. I can make big words. And there are funny two letter words we use a lot to build other words. Tonight, I wondered, what does OE mean?? (a whirlwind off the Faeroe islands)

1 comment:

Bob said...

And I even bingoed once! Babe, you were hot tonight!!!